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With increasing challenges of climate change, growing inequality and continued abysmal poverty among a third of the global population, it is imperative to examine and challenge our ways of functioning as an individual and society.

We can no longer remain unconcerned about these issues which not only  cause  insecurity, stress and uncertainty among most of us, but have become a threat  to our very existence. On the positive side, there is adequate experience to indicate that meaningful alternatives exist. They  rest in our hands : in our thinking, our ways of living as enlightened citizens. Besides it carries the joy of unfolding of our potential to the fullest.


The purpose of Manavodaya Mission is to create awareness among citizens, especially youth, to engage in simple practices that help in facilitating positive change in society. These are

1. Steps in Conscious Living that have emerged from deep interaction on human values in action with several thousand
development workers across
different cultures and

2. Conscious Leadership practices for holistic change at community level. Manavodaya’s experience stretched over two decades shows that this has beautiful consequences.



Steps in Conscious Living can be practised in daily life by all persons. They call for sincerity, vigilance, regularity and a willingness to go outside one’s comfort zone. When facilitated by an experienced person, they help in building a new perspective of life starting from human awakening (Manavodaya), to family and community awakening (Kutumbodaya) culminating in global awakening
(Sarvodaya). The steps are universal in nature and have already contributed significantly to new awareness among practitioners and scholars from different countries in South Asia, Europe and Africa.



Conscious leadership is about facilitation of self awareness and participatory management in community institutions towards a green economy in tune with the needs of people and the goals of sustainable development. It leads to development of new enterprises at community level while contributing to
empowerment and social justice among people, especially women.
The focus is on community institutions like Self Help Groups, Cooperatives, Producer Organisations or any other people’s group that are gradually enabled to build a new vision, values, methods and procedures. The process is facilitated by educated local youth trained and supported to work towards
sustainable development with the participation of the poorest groups.

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We can all be partners in the process of development and social change, in evolution of mankind towards a sustainable future. You could become a member of the mission by
A. Participating in a short online course on Conscious Living and staying connected to various events as a Conscious member.
B. Mentoring youth and other persons as a mentor. You will need to do an advanced course on the subject called “Changemakers” and become a Mentor member.
C. Adopting a college and supporting the cost of organising a conscious living course in a college through small donations. Such programmes lead to wonderful outcomes and are deemed essential for all youth.
D. Adopting a village and supporting the cost of a youth facilitator of
change at community level.
E. Becoming a patron member by supporting various programmes.

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